One-Hit Wonder: Dominique Piek, 2010

Psst, Dominique…
You’re today's featured model.
Atta girl.

I suppose I’m a little ethnocentric, because I keep forgetting that other nations have their own editions of Sports Illustrated, and that those editions have their own swimsuit issues. Dominique Piek, 2010 rookie, did not come out of nowhere. She was the cover girl for SI South Africa in 2007:Bar Refaeli and Dominique’s fellow Sayth Iffrican model Genevieve Morton have also appeared.I have to say, Dominique was the most surprising 2010 rookie not to return. I don’t think she had the makings of one of the Immortals, like an Elle or a Paulina. But she could have been a good, solid, go-to presence, like a Lujan Fernandez or an Ingrid Seynhaeve.She rocked a yellow bikini, that’s for sure.
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