Upton Fatigue

Interesting observation: When I happened across the Kate Upton Easter Bunny video last weekend, my knee-jerk reaction was, “Again?”

Maybe Kate is a teensy bit overexposed.

These two stories were side-by-side on my Yahoo news feed the other morning:One story is a video about Kate’s appearance as a sexy nun in the Three Stooges movie.The other addresses whether she wore a dress better or worse than Mila Kunis.True, she’s referred to as “model” in both headlines. And true, the fashion critic gives Mila the edge in the red-dress-off. But it’s telling that, according to the list of “labels” on the right of this screen, Kate has been featured in more posts (25) than any other model on this blog. (With this post, she leapfrogs Irina Shayk’s 24.) This is a girl who came on the SI radar barely a year ago. Perhaps we’re a little oversaturated with her?

In honor of her sexy habit, maybe I’ll declare a Kate Lent. Do you think I can go six weeks without posting about her?

Goodbye for now, Kate! See you after May 26!
Meanwhile, let’s yield the floor to some models I’ve neglected.


Oluchi Onweagba

Melissa Baker

Aline Nakashima

Melissa Keller

Lorraine Pascale

Lujan Fernandez
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